We advise on the most appropriate legal form to form a company, capital increases and reductions, commercial contracts, etc ...


We help you make the right decisions for your business, we keep abreast of their responsibilities to state agencies and canaries, and inform and rights solutions for entrepreneurs, small businesses and freelancers.  



We ecargamos for you to process and computerize all your company's financial documents, preparing accounting information, fiscal and financial, to enable it to comply with the obligations and requirements of their business and get the most profit. We perform comparative balance sheets and income statements for previous periods, and provide and explain the accounting reports that help you know your company's financial situation and make the right decisions for your future planning.

Our experience in the banking sector, we can advise in an exhaustive and qualified on the analysis and application of credits and mortgages, To provide you into negotiations with banks and financial costs proyectarle your company.
We keep you informed of changes and obligations of the Spanish financial sector, and help you analyze the strategic decisions and operational, to help you know what is the economic impact on your business.

Specialized in the fiscal sector, we aim To provide you with an agile and carefree, all necessary steps to meet the requirements and tax regulations in the Canaries.


We advice to nonresident aliens for tax obligations acquired in the island territory, and take care of the paperwork and necessary steps to comply with regulations in our country.



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